Monday, May 25, 2009

My Steps in Learning - Overtrading

A roundtrip is a trade basically. If I put on 1 trade clipping a 1 lot, then I have just made 1 roundtrip. Every roundtrip generates a certain cost in commission. Very often, I overtrade and even though I end the day up in terms of my P/L, my profits don`t make up for my roundtrip costs.

It usually happens when I overtrade. I either wasn`t patient enough to let my winners run, or I was jumping on too many `opportunities`, that weren`t real and did not give me the chance to run them long.

How I am trying to tackle this issue is by being more selective. There are certain hours, patterns, events, that I know I am good at. I try not to become the smartest person and win all my trades, I just wait for some easy looking ones to come into my way.

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